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The Righteousness Of God In Christ

Joyce Meyer (9)

Quite often I use those verses if I’m going to be teaching on the mind because the mind really is the battlefield where satan rages war against us. Yes, he comes against our circumstances and there are other things that he does but if he can lie to us and get us to believe those lies then we live a deceived life. Deception means that you believe a lie, but the interesting thing about it is that if you believe it, it’s real for you. Isn’t that amazing?

Even though as a Christian you are the righteousness of God in Christ through the blood of Jesus, most people feel bad about themselves because the devil has lied to them and lied to them and lied to them, and they go by their feelings and they go by their natural thoughts rather than by the word of God. Let me tell you something — I don’t care if I have to hold this book up a million times a year, I feel a new urgency to get it across to people that you have to believe the word of God more than you believe how you feel or what you think or what you want.  (applause)

We’re either going to be word people or we’re going to be emotional people or mental people. But I can’t live according to what I want, think and feel and also live according to the word of God. Feelings are just keeping people out of the will of God. Following emotions is destroying lives. “I feel, I feel, I don’t feel. I feel, I feel, I don’t feel.” I can’t give you a message to make your feelings go away. You’re going to have feelings. You never know exactly when they’re going to show up. You don’t know if they’re going to be good or bad. They can change without a moment’s notice.

You can feel like making a commitment on Monday night, and by Tuesday night you don’t want anything to do with it at all.  You feel like buying it but you don’t feel like paying for it. Come on now. We feel, we feel. Just a little bit of thought and you’ll agree that people are being destroyed because they’re following their feelings around. Our feelings are connected to our thoughts. Satan puts a thought in your mind and it’s not very long when you think on it, a feeling is connected to it. You can sit and think about what somebody’s done to you that’s hurtful or unfair, and it won’t be very long and you’re going to feel anger. Even though you’ve probably heard it thousands of times, I have to tell you again you have to guard your heart very carefully. With all diligence you have to guard your heart.

Joyce Meyer and all the other people that we put so much stock in — what is he going to think and what is she going to think?


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Serve The Lord

Joyce Meyer (11)

“I’m deciding ahead of time that I’m going to be merciful and I’m going to be quick to forgive and I’m not even going to put the pressure on you of never disappointing me.” this attitude that Jesus had I believe is exactly why when he was in the garden of Gethsemane and he needed his disciples so much… It’s really a sad story if you go read it. I’m not going to take the time tonight just to save some time, but I’ve been doing some teaching out of Matthew 26 and Luke 22. Jesus told them what was happening and this was the pinnacle for him. Joyce Meyer this was what he was sent for. The bible says that he was in such agony of mind that he sweated great drops of blood.

We can’t understand that kind of agony. He said to them, “pray with me. Pray with me. We need to pray.” he went off a little bit by himself to pray and have some alone time with his father. He came back and they were sleeping. “what? Can’t you pray with me one hour? Stay awake. Get up. You need to pray. Pray that you won’t come into temptation.” he knew they were going to be tempted to deny him. He knew they were going to be tempted to betray him. “pray,” he said. He went off again. He came back the second time, the bible says, and found them sleeping. He went off again and came back the third time and found them sleeping. Now, what kind of a deal is that?  He had poured his life out to these men for three years.

He had been with them almost day and night the whole time and now he has a need and they’re not there for him. Well, we all know what that kind of stuff does to us. It’s like, “after all I’ve done for you.” Joyce Meyer online that’s our standard speech. “after all I’ve done for you.” which i guess should give us an indication that maybe we did what we did for the wrong reason anyway because we obviously were doing what we were doing because we expected some kind of payback. Which means that maybe we need to readjust our thinking a little bit and even when we do things for people, let’s really be doing them for the lord for people.

“Lord, I’m doing this for them because I love you and so I’m really doing it for you to serve you.” that way, then even when we’re doing things for people, if we’re really doing it for the lord then it’s him we’re going to get our reward from. So then we don’t get all mad at people when they don’t give us what we think we deserve for all the things that we’ve done. What I’m talking to you about tonight causes so many, many, many problems in relationships. Who are you expecting to keep you happy? Who are you expecting to never disappoint you? Who are you expecting to always be there for you and never let you down? If it’s not God, then you have already set yourself up for disappointment. Joyce Meyer ministries well, I’m sure that Jesus was disappointed in the way they behaved.

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Be A Prisoner Of Hope

Joyce Meyer (11)

Peter denied him. Judas betrayed him of all things with a kiss. I mean, how lousy is that? The way that he let the people that wanted to hurt Jesus know that Jesus was Jesus was he kissed him. Some of you have had the Judas kiss. Joyce Meyer ministries have. Jesus, I’m sure was disappointed but there is no evidence that he even got angry at them. He called Judas friend, knowing what he was going to do.

Even after peter denied him and kind of had a momentary backslide and started using bad language and all kinds of stuff to prove that he wasn’t with Jesus — even after all that peter did, when Jesus arose from the dead as he promised and Mary saw him, he said, “go and tell my disciples and peter.” I think it’s interesting that he specifically mentioned peter by name; almost like, “and make sure you let peter know that I’m not mad at him.” “go and tell my disciples and peter that he is risen.” Joyce Meyer how could he do that? Sure, he was disappointed, but when you have your expectation in God and not people, you may get disappointed but you won’t get devastated. (applause)

There is a difference. I expect that I will get disappointed again in my life. We’ve had people that we’ve loved and trusted steal from us. There are all kinds of things… People just surprise you and they disappoint you and they can shock you. But you know what? I’ve already made up my mind that I will not get devastated because when you get devastated then you stop going forward. You have to make up your mind that no matter what anybody else does, you’re pressing on with God.  Amen? (amen.) (applause)

Be a prisoner of hope. Paul went through the same thing. Joyce Meyer online the bible says that at his first trial nobody stood with him. Nobody — not one person would stand with him. But Paul said, “I’ll just leave them up to God. The lord stood by my side.” I love that. What kind of life do you want? Have you ever asked yourself that?  “what kind of life do I want?”

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I Love God

Joyce Meyer (9)

In Ephesians 1:17-18 Paul prayed that we would know the hope of our calling. That was one of the prayers that he prayed for the church, that they might know the hope of their calling. In other words, Paul was saying, “lord, i want them to know the life that they’re called to and how much hope that can give them in the situations that they’re in right now if they realize what you have in mind for them and what you have stored up for them. Joyce Meyer online ”  the bible says, “eye has not seen and ear has not heard all the good things that God has made ready, prepared and stored up for those who love him.” not even those who do everything right, but those who love him — those who love him. I don’t do everything right but I love God. Amen? (amen.)

I’ve not arrived yet, but I’m growing. I’m on my way. Do you know the hope of your calling? I made a little list. It was really kind of fun. First of all, without knowledge people don’t ever possess what’s theirs. It’s amazing what you can have but if you don’t know you have it, then you’ll never make any use out of it. Joyce Meyer somebody could be a millionaire, but if they don’t know they’re a millionaire, then they’ll live like a pauper. Right?  (right.)

It’s really very simple to understand that; we can get that. Somebody could be a millionaire, but if they don’t know they’re a millionaire, they will live like a pauper. If you don’t know what’s yours in Christ — and when we say “in Christ” that means because of what Jesus has done and what he has inherited and we are joint heirs with him, when we put our faith in him, everything that Jesus earned and deserves becomes ours. (applause)

Where are you going to get a deal like that? Do you understand that? Jesus said, “everything the father has is mine and I’m going to send the holy spirit and he’s going to transmit it to you.” well, I’m a receiver. It doesn’t do any good for anybody to be transmitting if there’s no receiver. When I put my television programs on, I’m transmitting, but if nobody turns their set on, they’re not going to get the program. Joyce Meyer ministries I’ve made up my mind, if the holy ghost is transmitting, I’m receiving. (applause)

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God Has The Power To Change Our Life

Joyce Meyer (10)

I didn’t come here, “well, I hope the people come and I hope they like me.” I used to. I used to go out like that all the time and I would just be tormented. But I just come with a positive attitude. “hey, praise the lord! Going to des moines. Joyce Meyer going to have a good time. Preach the gospel. Preach on hope. Believe it’s going to be fruitful.” and I’m not looking around at all of you to tell by the looks on your faces if this is any good or not. I’ve already made my mind up how I feel about it. (cheering) see, the point is no matter what anybody else thinks, it’s what you think that matters.

Joyce: hope is defined as a favorable and a confident expectation. What are you hoping for and how often are you tempted to just give up? I think one of the biggest temptations we have from the enemy is just to quit and give up but if you refuse to give up, you will have the victory.  It’s amazing to me what people can do if they just make their mind up that they’re going to hang in and see the victory. Today we want to make a special offer to you.  We don’t do this very often so you want to take advantage of it. We actually have a teaching series that we want you to have so much that we’re going to offer it for any amount that you feel you can give.

We just ask that you do your very best.  Some people will be able to do more than others and perhaps some of you can send in a fairly generous amount to make up for somebody who’s not going to be able to send as much and that’s a way you can give. Joyce Meyer online but I believe that if people don’t have it really deep in their spirits that they’re never going to give up, I think the devil’s going to keep stealing and stealing and stealing. It’s very important to me that you have this teaching because I know that was a really big thing in my life and I believe one of the main reasons why I am still around today is because God has given me the grace to not give up. I always say my greatest testimony is I’m still here. We’re going to tell you about this particular resource a little more and just remember: the word of God has the power in it to change your life. God bless you.

Joyce Meyer: if I look at my past, everything says I should be a failure.  At one point or another everyone has felt like quitting but I’m here to tell you there is another way. That’s why I’ve developed this teaching called “never give up.” in it you’ll discover how God has given us the power to overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

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The activities of Christ

Joyce Meyer (5)

We’re so busy trying to figure stuff out; we can’t even minister properly. It seems like sometimes all the devil has to do is cause something unfair to happen in our lives and we can spend the rest of our life trying to figure out why, God, why? Really, there’s even a deeper problem that happens, and you’re about to see what it is because not only do we try to figure things out but to be honest, sometimes we just get a little bit ticked off. It’s something that gets a hold of us way down deep inside and it creates a little bitterness. We get just a little bit mad at god, a little bit mad at people who don’t have it as rough as we do or whose lives seem to turn out better than ours. Oh, we keep going to church and we keep singing our songs and looking at the overhead and we keep reading our books, but there’s just a little something wrong in our spirits that is keeping us from going all the way with God and having the joy that he really wants us to have.

Now, I’ve never seen this before but God showed me this. Matthew 11:1: When Jesus had finished his charge to his twelve disciples, he left there to teach and to preach in their Galilean cities. (vs 2) Now when John who was in prison heard about the activities of Christ, he sent a message by his disciples (vs. 3) and asked him, are you the one who was to come, or should we keep on expecting somebody different? Get a picture of this: John is the forerunner for Jesus. He’s lived a very sacrificial life.  He’s been out in the desert literally for years by himself preparing for this ministry that God called him to. Most everybody who met him thought he was a lunatic and a crazy man. He wore animal skins and ate locusts and honey and ranted and raved about repenting and ran around dunking people in water. So now he’s in prison.

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A real place in our life

Joyce Meyer (2)

He’d been doing the right thing. Sometimes you do the right thing and you don’t get the right result. When we have messes in our lives, it’s almost always caused by disobedience. And that is true, but there are also times when the devil comes against us just because we’re making progress in the word. There are times when the devil comes against us because we’re at a real place in our life where God’s trying to bring us up to the next level. The enemy quickly runs in and tries to drag us down so we don’t ever make that transition and go to that next place God has for us.

It might be the next place in your giving, the next place in your ministry, the next place in your love walk but the devil doesn’t want you making progress. I heard one man say there are two times when the devil comes against you: When you’re doing something wrong and when you’re doing something right. When I heard that, I thought: Then what’s the point in trying to figure it out? So when I have trouble in my life, I don’t try to figure out if I did something wrong or if I did something right; I just trust God because you know what? I’m too old to struggle anymore, I’m too old to be frustrated, and I’m too old to be confused.

I’ve already done all that for many, many, many years and I decided a few years ago: I’m gonna enjoy the journey. I’m not gonna be worrying about something all the time and trying to figure something out all the time and be mad about something all the time and offended all the time. I’m just going to trust God.

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Visions And Goals And Dreams

Joyce Meyer (5)

The other point I’ve been trying to get across this weekend is enjoy where you’re at on the way to where you’re going. It’s great to be a visionary but some people who are visionaries – some people who are highly motivated and have a lot of goals in their life, they almost let their visions and goals and dreams become a source of torment to them because they don’t know how to enjoy where they’re at while they’re getting to the place they’re going. I’m sure you all understand when you look off in the distance and see the horizon, you know what that is and the closer you get to it, the more the vision of it changes and becomes a reality.

God told me one time: that horizon over there represents the goal that you have right now for your life but when you get there… The closer you get, the horizon is always moving, so I’m doing so many things right now, I’m living in the dreams I had 28 years ago but now I have new dreams and new visions. I’ll be honest with you, I did waste a lot of my life being miserable, not enjoying where I was at and that’s one of the reasons why I wrote the book that’s on my table, “enjoying where you’re at on the way to where you’re going”, because I don’t think a lot of people know how to do that.

Even as far as you yourself and the changes that you’re looking for God to make in you, in your personality… How many of you are believing God for change in yourself? You want a change?  Okay. How many of you are believing for some changes in some of your loved ones and family members? Oh boy, you got real excited! (laughing) you guys are something. Oh, yeah, mm-hmm! (laughing) but it’s foolish not to enjoy yourself right now while God is changing you and it’s foolish not to enjoy the other people God has placed in your life while God is changing them.

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Joyce Meyer (1)

Some of those people you think you should have never gotten hooked up with may be more valuable to you than you realize. You know, we get married and we start fighting about all of our differences and the whole point is the fact that we’re different is what brings balance.  Amen? When Dave and I got married, I worried about everything, he worried about nothing. I never had fun. He had fun all the time. He always accused me of running ahead of God and I said:  yeah and you’re 10 miles behind him. (laughing) it’s so true that you are attracted to what you don’t have.

I’m like just:  rowr! And Dave is like:  steady. The greatest thing that I needed in my life was a stable person because I had never been around anybody stable. (applause) while I was growing up, everybody was just like all over the place and you never knew from one day to the next what was going to happen. The greatest gift that my  husband has brought into my life is a stable person who is the same all the time and likes everybody.  I’ve been married to Dave almost 39 years and I think in those 39 years I could maybe say there have been two or maybe three people that he has voiced that he didn’t like in 39 years.

When I started out, there might have been one person I did like. (laughing) I’ve changed now and I know last night after I talked to you about how I don’t have a gift of hospitality, you guys probably thought:  man!  You know what? We talked about the word “hospitality” last night and it means more than having people to your house.  I’m friendly! I just like to do it at somebody else’s house. (laughing) (applause) the word “hospitality” means you make people comfortable and I try to do that, too.

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The People God

Joyce Meyer (6)

If I’m out and somebody is by themselves or a stranger, I’ll try to include them and make them comfortable, so ha-ha, I’m not as bad as you think. (laughing) thought I’d better defend myself a little bit, you know. (laughing) enjoy your life. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy the people God has put in your life. Yeah, you may have some people in your life that you never should have gotten around. If it’s somebody you can get away from, then do it but if it’s somebody you’re going to be around anyway, then you might as well start finding some stuff in them that you do like. (amen!)

I can either concentrate on the fact that Dave is stable and I love that or I could concentrate on the fact that every time he gets up from the table, he leaves the chair out. (laughing) we get these little nit-picky things that bug us. There are people getting divorces because of the way they squeeze the toothpaste tube. That’s kind of dumb, don’t you think? So, we want you to enjoy your life but I think I might as well tell you that most of you, your life is probably going to be a fairly normal ordinary life but that doesn’t mean it can’t be exciting. (amen!)

Don’t minimize the power of little things that transpire in the course of your normal everyday life. Jesus washed feet. John 13. He did it as an example to us. One of the most exciting things you can do in life and it may not be exciting to your flesh but it is exciting to your spirit and it’s exciting to God is you can wash feet. I’m not talking about literally getting a pan of water and washing feet. Jesus did this as an example to show people that it was important to serve one another, to do little things for one another.

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