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Passive Attitude

Joyce Meyer (23)

This passive attitude that people have: spoon feed me, give me a miracle, make something happen for me, has got to go. It’s up to you to take the word of God and work it. It’s up to you to take the book and read it. It amazes me how Christians think that somehow or another they should have this victorious life and yet never do anything. The analogy that god gave me just even in this last year is there is not one person who would decide at the age of 18 that they wanted to be a doctor who would expect to be a doctor and never study. You wouldn’t go ask somebody to lay hands on you so you could be a good doctor. You wouldn’t even go to somebody and say: would you pray for me that I’ll be a good doctor?

To be honest, a lot of times I think we just ask people to pray for us as an excuse to not have to do something. Part of the reason why people are unhappy, and I want you to be happy, but part of the reason why people are unhappy is because they’re not active. God gave you all these joints because you’re supposed to move. Think of all the joints you have in your body. I’ve got one there, I’ve got one there, I’ve got one here. I’ve got three that I can see just in this one finger. Then I’ve got one here and I’ve got one here and I’ve got one here.

Why is that? They’re all there because I’m supposed to be doing something, active and moving and doing something — not just sitting around, waiting for my miracle, waiting for my breakthrough. “I wish I was thinner. I wish I had four kids and looked like Joyce. I wish I was 64 and looked like that.” Well, let me download a revelation onto you: I work at this and I work at it hard! One of the reasons why I do it is because I feel like I have a responsibility that if I am going to stand up and talk to people about Jesus and the wonderful victorious life that they can have, then I don’t think that I should go around dragging myself around feeling like I’m half dead all the time and looking worse than I feel.

Joyce Meyer Ministries : We don’t have to do it, but we can use self-control to keep ourselves in line. You have to control yourself.

© Copyright 2012 admin, All rights Reserved. Written For: Joyce Meyer

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