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People’s Lives And Healing The Wounded Spirit by Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer Ministries: Welcome back to the program. Our executive tv producer Ginger Stache is with me and I’m answering viewer questions about healing wounded emotions. Well, Ginger, what was that question you asked me that you said was going to be hard to answer?

Ginger Stache: Well, you know when we look at “ask Joyce Meyer” at where people send in their questions, I’m really overwhelmed by the amount of questions that are dealing with childhood memories and getting over huge pain in people’s lives and healing the wounded spirit.  This is one of those so many people who are coming from a background of hurt and then get into a relationship and find it so difficult to know how to make that work. The question is, “did you ever consider divorcing Dave in the earlier years of your marriage when things just weren’t so great?”

Joyce Meyer Online: Oh, maybe no more than three times every day. Everybody has those kinds of thoughts.  When things are not going well, our fleshly “out” is “I’m just going to give up. This is just absolutely not worth it. You’re never going to change. You don’t understand me,” on and on and on and on. But I think we also have to realize, and I’m very grateful that God enabled me to realize this, that I couldn’t just blame everything on him. I had to take responsibility for my behavior and my actions. You’re not going to find anybody who is perfect. Joyce Meyer Ministries said that I knew in the depths of my heart that if I couldn’t make it work with him, it wasn’t going to work with the next person, either. Now obviously, Ginger, there are situations that nobody can make work, and I believe that the word of God makes allowances for that. But we all know there are far too many divorces today, and you don’t just get a divorce because it’s hard or you’re not “compatible,” or some silly thing like that.According to Joyce Meyer Online that  when people have been really hurt, it’s amazing — it’s like when you have all this baggage, so to speak, that you’re carrying around with you and you come into a relationship with somebody else, you really can’t have a right relationship until the baggage is taken care of, because in order for the person to get to you, they have to try to unpack your baggage all the time, and that gets to be really hard work for anybody. Yes, I thought about it. I thought about it many times. Joyce Meyer Ministries says I’m sure Dave even thought about it a few times but the good news is now we’ve been married going on 42 years and we didn’t give up and I’m happy to be able to say that God’s word works; if you’re willing to stick through the hard times, you will come into the good times.

Joyce Meyer – And I can very well teach in high school and college level, the pro level, with that in mind, just speak the language.

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