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God Has Called Us To Be Overcomers

Joyce Meyer (5)

That’s the whole point of commitment. Commitment is for our benefit; if helps you be somewhere where you can bear good fruit on a regular basis because now somebody else is depending on you. The best way you could get to church every week is to offer to take three other people because you’re a lot more likely to get out of bed and go if you know somebody else is depending on you and that you’re going to look kind of foolish when you start giving them all your excuses. Commitment is a protection for us.  We need to be committed to things. We don’t need to be over-committed because that can also be a problem but we need to have right, balanced, proper commitments. It’s part of our growth in God. How about the door of your possessions? What do you still have in your possession that God a long time ago asked you to give away? It might be your favorite this or that.

Do you think God won’t ask you for things that you like? Oh, yes, he will! And it’s not because he wants the thing; he just wants to see if you will give it. And don’t you really love it when God asks you to give one of your favorite things away to somebody you really don’t even like? That’s a flesh burner, I can tell you that for sure. (laughing) God has called us to be overcomers. How can we overcome?

The only way we can overcome things is if we stay in prayer and if we stay in the word. There’s no other way. Please listen to me. It’s really not as difficult as you think if you will dedicate the time to learn the word, to study diligently the word of God for yourself. I’m happy to preach to you and I love to do that but you still have to study for yourself.

© Copyright 2013 admin, All rights Reserved. Written For: Joyce Meyer

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