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A Family And A Lovely Home

Joyce Meyer (6)

They don’t actually really think that was his father because that man forced her into prostitution and that’s probably how this little boy got aids but when you see the smile on his face, I guess to me, just to think about what his life would be like right now if this place wasn’t here — what his life would be like if somebody had not reached out to help him. I know what my life would be like if Jesus wouldn’t have helped me, and he’s given us an opportunity now to help other people. Really, these children look hopeful, they look healthy, they look happy but that’s not the way they looked when they came here. That’s the thing that we have to remember, is just the transformation that can happen in a person’s life — the total transformation. Here, they were sick and now they’re doing better physically. They weren’t getting proper education. They’re being educated. They didn’t know about Christ. Now, they’re being taught the word of god. Just so many wonderful things are happening. They have a family and a lovely home. It’s great to meet them.

Announcer: Stay with us. When we return, Joyce shares more from the conference in Bangalore, India. Join us tomorrow as we venture to Haiti, where we meet a young boy with an arm so badly broken doctors fear it may need to be amputated.

Woman: Personally, I have felt that I have had the opportunity to touch the world through hand of hope because hand of hope truly is an organization that’s touching the whole world.

Chris Caine: I’ve been to India many times but for some reason this trip has impacted me more than any other trip. I’ve had so many conversations with young women and I guess more than ever,

I realize the plight of young women in this nation, how women in many cases have been considered to be less than even cows. I’ve wept more than ever about the plight of women in this nation and I guess there’s a passion in me to see the young women released into their god-given purpose and destiny and I’ve understood more than ever why god’s using someone like Joyce Meyer — a woman with such a broken background that is a living testimony of the redemptive power of Jesus Christ and I think just standing here in front of people, telling her story of the great things that god has done gives multiplied millions hope and faith that if god could do it for her, god could do it for them and we could see a nation transformed.

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