So if people don’t know what love is… Joyce Meyer Ministries said I mean, years ago when I started really trying to get into this, I thought, “i’m going to take this apart and find out what it is,” because it’s certainly more than us saying, “I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you,” and then not showing any of the fruit of it. So there are other things in here… Love is never envious nor jealous. According to Joyce Meyer that Doesn’t it bless you when maybe something wonderful happens to you and you can find just a few people who are actually happy?
Pastor Barnett: that’s right! I know exactly what you mean.
Joyce Meyer Online: what are some of these other facets of love that really mean a lot to you?
Pastor Barnett: Joyce Meyer the bible says they were to forbear one another, which really means give them what they want instead of what you want to give them. I’ll give you an example. People will come and you’ll see them hinting for a compliment on the way they look or their new dress. And there’s something about us that says, “they want a compliment, so I’m not going to give it to them.” you know, that’s wicked.
Joyce Meyer Ministries: that’s terrible.
Pastor Barnett: it really is. Why not give them what they want that you don’t want to give them? Like elderly people will be in a hospital or they’ll be in a convalescent home, or they’re getting older and they’ll say to their kids, “well, I might as well die. No one loves me. No one cares about me.” and there’s something about the children when they make that statement that just says, “I know what you’re trying to get — sympathy.
Joyce Meyer – I’m not going to give it to you.” why not just say, “I don’t know what i’d do if you died. I’d miss you so much. I cannot live without you.” we need to give people what they want.
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